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Hi guys, i hope those messages goes to the support of this site, so... I am very glad that we have something like this, very glad and happy 🙂

So i just bought a Terra for 1 day , to try it and if it's really undetecteble, i will buy it for 1 Month

So  my problem now is, that i just bought it and i don't know how or from where do i have to download it...  I don't know how to download it, i don't know what to do now... So i hope someone from the support could help me, because i have only this in my inventory here, but there won't come some "Download Button" or something... 

Thank you and have a nice Day! 

Best Regards>>>

S. G. Ivanov 


Edited by Stanimir Ivanov
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10 hours ago, Stanimir Ivanov said:

Hi guys, i hope those messages goes to the support of this site, so... I am very glad that we have something like this, very glad and happy 🙂

So i just bought a Terra for 1 day , to try it and if it's really undetecteble, i will buy it for 1 Month

So  my problem now is, that i just bought it and i don't know how or from where do i have to download it...  I don't know how to download it, i don't know what to do now... So i hope someone from the support could help me, because i have only this in my inventory here, but there won't come some "Download Button" or something... 

Thank you and have a nice Day! 

Best Regards>>>

S. G. Ivanov 




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