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Why did Terra close down on me and delete itself off my pc?

Stephen Allan

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So i left my pc on while i went top work for a couple hours this morning and upon returning home and loading Tarkov  Terra wasnt loaded up so i went to launch and couldn't find the file. Not being funny but i left my pc on so i didnt have to mess about with the long ass reload it does but now am having to feck about re downloading and updating cos your stupid bot didnt work the way its advertised which means im now missing out on near an hour due to this

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So TARKOV CLOSES ITSELF after inactivity now, has for like 2 wipes.

That was the GAME ITSELF nothing to do with the cheese as you are mentioning.

Terra deletes itself as a safety precaution. That is just the way the product works.

Not trying to be rude but you cannot get made for a GAME FEATURE closing the game. That is not on us NOR the cheat Dev.

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I closed the game down last week on the 11th last time i purchased while i was asleep and left the pc and the cheese still running, got up about 4-5 hours later and got right back to it so why did it close the cheese and delete itself this time is what i'm not understanding.

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